About Us

About Us

  • To provide a common forum for dealing with the social problems relating to the members of Radhi Kayastha Community residing all over India and devise ways and means to solve problems of the members of the society with assistance of the concerned government, local authorities.
  • To take initiative for connecting people of the society staying all over India.
  • To make efforts for the solution of general problems of the members of the aforesaid community/society with the help of the concerned government authorities and solve them, such as roads, telephones, medical and charitable dispensaries, schools, college, play grounds, libraries reading rooms and community center, marriage homes, Dharamshala, etc
  • To look after the welfare and safeguard the interests of the members of the community/society in all civic matters, such as security, water, electricity, roads, parks, plantation of trees and in respect of all other amenities which they, as citizens of India are entitled to enjoy.
  • To foster, a spirit of mutual help and goodwill among the inhabitants of the community, in general, and the members of the Association in particular.
  • To promote, encourage, organize and control and regulate the Games and Sports in India.
  • Bring awareness amongst the members against all kind of narcotic drugs.
  • To help for the weaker persons, under privileged persons of the community/society in all fields in all possible manners, and to provide them food, clothes, shelters-homes, education (lower to higher level), self – employment, training-centers, sports club, health Club, Playgrounds, Swimming Pool, and Entertainment Centers etc.
  • To work sincerely for the mankind and humanity in India without any discrimination of colour, cast, creed, religion, region, country or any such limitation.
  • To organize DurgaPooja and other festivals in Pune and construction of temples etc.
  • To sponsor young talent in the field of music and culture, schooling for poor and under privileged members of the society.
  • To help the Tribes, backward classes, minorities, weaker sections, to make old-age-homes, to work for widows, war-victims, old-age-people-welfare in all respects.
  • To eradicate the social evils, to help the abandon, lonely, handicapped, dumb deaf, disabled people of the society.
  • To apply and acquire the land form the authorities concerned for the purpose of construction of Community Hall in Pune
  • To collect subscription, grants in aid, funds or other charity from persons, bodies and Govt. and to borrow money or raise loan on interest or otherwise and deposit money in such manner as may be deemed fit and utilize the same for the furtherance of the aims and objects mentioned above and acquired land and property in a manner, for the benefit of the Society., as per Govt. rules.
  • To provide scholarship for academic excellence and higher studies for encouraging to the weaker section of the society for the upliftment of its needy members.
  • To help the needy for medical treatment by forming helpage forum to help aged people of the society/community.
  • To construct of its own building in Pune, and other cities for staying for treatment in most deserving case on payment of nominal charges.
  • To help desiring women of the society for pursuing professional courses like tailoring, food preservation, painting, beauty parlor training, etc
  • To appoint one office assistant to take care of the correspondence and administration of Pune Office. To appoint office bearer of the society at Central level, State and District level.
  • To launch monthly magazine within a time frame.
  • To organize blood donation camps, health check up camp from time to time, awareness of yoga for the members of the society.
  • To promote the regional language of society i.e. ‘Angika’.
  • To launch website of the society.
  • To establish, maintain, open and found the orphanage asylums, shelter-homes for all age group.
  • To establish, maintain and run, the centers for the destitute for their city development and to work with all Organizations related children.
  • To establish, maintain and run, the centers for providing the educational program (lower to higher level), related with all languages, and other training center etc and organize social, cultural programs, functions, for development of mankind.
  • To protect the human rights of general public at all levels, and develop social, cultural and recreational activities for the benefit of the community.
  • To acquire, hold, purchase, sell, lease and turn to account all kinds of properties, movable and immovable for purposes connected with or conductive to the promotion of the object of the Society, as per law.
  • To borrow, land and otherwise deal with the monies, properties belonging to the Society and to give security to take security in connection with the said dealings or acts in the name of Society.
  • To provide for the deliver of spiritual discourses by eminent scholars from time to time, to provide a forum for exchange of thoughts on social, cultural, educational aspects & to celebrate festivals with special occasions.
  • To launch and promote the health programs for all age groups.
  • To work for the up-liftman of the handicapped, blinds, physically disabled persons of all age groups and to help them to provide proper treatment.
  • And to do all necessary Acts, deeds and things for the betterment of women children & people.
  • To do all such other acts and things, investing the properties of the Society with power to open an account or accounts in any nationalized bank and to operate the said accounts as provided in the Society and to acquire, hold purchase, sell exchange, lease and turn to account all kinds of properties, movable and immovable, for the purposes connected with or conductive to the promotion of the object of the Society:


Dreams come true! Yes when I  shifted from Mumbai to  Pune in 1988 ,it was quite a strange place for me. I don’t know anybody here but gradually I feel that Pune is nice place to settle. It is a very serene and peaceful place compared to Mumbai.

The Policy of letting a hundred of flowers blossom and many school of thoughts content is designed to prompt the flourishing of the arts & progress of science ,It is designed to enable a socialistic culture to thrive in our land.

One fine day in1991, I came across Sh Rajiv Ratan Ghosh who is my elder paternal cousin when he met my wife Chhaya Das at Kendriya Vidyalaya,BEG  where his son Sanket was studying . 

It was a surprise to meet a Radhi Kayastha in Pune who is also my relative and hence the dream is  blooming which we have discussed so many times but due to our workload and his transferable job did’t allow us  to form  Radhi kayastha Samiti.

We were stuck in between  so many ups & downs of life till 2016 when Rajiv da  came with Sh. P.S.Sinha at my place to discuss the formation of  Radhi Kayastha Bandhav Samiti in Pune. I  could not believe to see an angel at my home who will fulfill our dream. Indeed this is the initiative of Sh,P.S.Sinha that Radhi Kayastha Bandhav Samiti was formed.

Our first unofficial get-together was  took place at the hill top of Kesavnagar in 2016 and journey was started to form Radhi Kayastha Bandhav Samiti, Pune. Ultimately we have got our Registration No. from Charitable Commissioner,Pune in 2017 titled” Radhi Kayastha Bandhav Sangathan,Pune”.

 This is time we have taken help of Social Media whatsup channel and information was spread among Radhi Kayastha members.Gradually the Radhi Kayastha members joined us in a large numbers and it is growing like a Banyan Tree.

Apart from Mr. P.S.Sinha who is initiater, I could not  forget those members who has gone extra miles to persuade Radhi Kayastha family to join us and they are Sh Rajiv Ratan Ghosh, Sh, Anjani Kumar Das,Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Sh. Rupesh Kumar, Sh. Pranav Mitra, Sh, Sachhidanand Ghosh , Sh. Uttam Kumar Sinha, Sh. Sujesh Sinha, Sh Himanshu Kumar Das , Sh. Omnath Das, Sh.Manish Ranjan Ghosh & Sh Sanjeev Sinha. This is true proverb that 

Coming together is a beginning,keeping together is progress, and working together is success”.

 At present we are almost 70-80 Radhi Kayastha families from Bihar & Jharkhand under the banner of RKBS,Pune.Already we had celebrated  three Vijaya Milan programe since 2016 . Our fourth Vijaya Milan programe will be held at Railway Hall nr. Pune Railway station and all members of our Radhi Kayastha family are most welcome here.

 When we have a common goal of progress for our community, we can act like single ray of sun but unitedly became a sun, a source of energy. 

Let us join our hands  together for the progress of our Sangathan through feeling of brotherhood, selflessness & love mitigating the obstructive forces.

I am personally thankful to all Radhi kayastha members who has  joined this mission.


Deepak Kumar Das

President, RKBS Pune